Natalia Markova

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Как избежать осложнений при работе косметолога с губами Топ-5 ошибок с детальными разборами Губы – это одна из самых выразительных частей лица Губы – это …

Launch of new cosmeceuticals Elma

Launch of new cosmeceuticals Elma Medical Esthetic has developed its own line of cosmeceuticals called Elma. Our creams are created using a unique patented technology …

Hand placement for cosmetologist Training by Natalia Markova

Hand placement for cosmetologist Training by Natalia Markova Individual hands-on is one of the most effective ways to train doctors of aesthetic medicine in injection …

Complications – how to talk to the patient

Complications – how to talk to the patient Aesthetic medicine in the 21st century is not only one of the most popular ways to maintain …

How was summer 2022

Лето 2022: как это было? 💫Вспомним самые яркие моменты, которые пополнили копилку нашей памяти.   Летний период был насыщен разного рода активностями эстетико-косметологического направления, многие …

How a cosmetic doctor can work safely and increase their income

How a cosmetic doctor can work safely and increase their income Aesthetic Doctor: safe work and financial result   The main fundamental rule of the …

Anatomy course and how they are conducted

Anatomy course and how they are conducted The modern world offers more and more opportunities for aesthetic doctors to improve their professional skills and it …

Earn more with additional procedures

Earn more with additional procedures Device aesthetic medicine refers to a number of different anti-aging and therapeutic procedures that are carried out by qualified aesthetic …

The human face

Anatomy The human face is a system that carries a whole complex of information and a highly developed means of communication, which will always be …

This is our third scientific article

This is our third scientific article Recently, our third scientific article, co-authored by me, was published on a resource that holds great significance for me …

It’s not just a chat, it’s a whole online platform👇🏻

I created my perfect and most importantly private Cosmetology Club💉 It’s not just a chat room, it’s a whole online platform👇🏻 💉 with lectures, with …

About Medical Esthetic

About Medical Esthetic In 2011 our company – Medical Esthetic, under the guidance of a dermatovenereologist, aesthetic doctor Natalia Markova, together with the Charles University …