Natalia Markova

Anatomy course and how they are conducted

The modern world offers more and more opportunities for aesthetic doctors to improve their professional skills and it is not only about studying theory and attending congresses, exhibitions, etc., but also about Anatomical Courses, which are at the peak of popularity in the last decade.


What is an Anatomical Course or Cadaver Course? – it is a complex system of events aimed at expanding the boundaries of aesthetic doctors’ skills from a scientific point of view, which requires a thoughtful and competent organization.

The main goal of such events is to get in touch with reality, as training on biomaterials gives an opportunity to see how this or that filler interacts with anatomical specimens. And the main thing here is that training of this kind allows you to understand and minimize the risks of adverse events and related complications.

The interest in Anatomical courses among aesthetic doctors is enormous, aesthetic medicine, or more precisely, technologies and methods, are developing at a rapid pace, just as quickly as the concept of “aesthetic doctor” and the areas of work of aestheticians are expanding. Aesthetic practitioners clearly understand what knowledge they lack and that working with biomaterials can fill the gaps in this knowledge.

Aesthetic doctor is a kind of “topographer” of the human body – conducting the procedure, he should “see” all the blood vessels, nerves, bones, and understand where he injects the preparation and what happens next, but it cannot be, if the specialist does not have the ability to visualize it. Just to improve visualization skills you have to visit Anatomical courses, because neither textbook or anatomic atlas will give you a possibility to touch all tissues, muscles, and moreover, to inject a filler into them – illustrations are one thing, but a real person is another.

Medical Esthetic company under the leadership of Dr. Natalia Markova organizes and conducts Anatomical courses on the basis of European universities, and Medical Esthetic is a pioneer with Anatomical courses in Ukraine.

The event consists of two parts – theoretical and practical. The main purpose of the theoretical part is not only to remind specialists about all anatomical areas and peculiarities, but also to convey all this knowledge in understandable and clear form and to complete already existing knowledge, while simultaneously working through all questions from specialists. As for the practical part, the main goal of this stage is to practice the skills you need and confirm your knowledge in practice with biomaterial under the guidance of experienced trainers and get feedback from them.

The Anatomical courses conducted by Medical Esthetic are always held in a friendly atmosphere, and our events are attended by Aesthetic doctors from all over the world. A lot of specialists attend our courses constantly, their professional growth progresses at an incredible rate, which motivates us tremendously. We are always glad to see both beginners and experienced professionals in our courses.

The doctor is synonymous with perpetual learning and safe work. To work safely means to work with confidence, and to have confidence in your work you need to know and understand layer-by-layer anatomy, you need to add new techniques into your practice and constantly improve your qualifications. And the most important thing is to have not only theoretical but also practical skills, the best way to get them is to take an Anatomical course with Medical Esthetic and top trainers.