Natalia Markova

Earn more with additional procedures

Device aesthetic medicine refers to a number of different anti-aging and therapeutic procedures that are carried out by qualified aesthetic doctors using special equipment and physical methods of impact on the skin of the face and body.


Modern technologies make it possible to obtain the desired results quickly, but most importantly – safely and with a high therapeutic effect. It is thanks to this equipment that aesthetic medicine is now at the peak of popularity. If we go back 30 years, the results that can be achieved now seem unattainable. And now, this type of aesthetic medicine is considered a worthy alternative to surgery, there is no need for anesthesia or a rehabilitation period.


The result of the procedure directly depends on the quality of the equipment, as well as on the qualifications of the aesthetic doctor. Many people mistakenly believe that during the procedure, all the activities are performed by device. No, not just device, but also aesthetic doctors, who must be qualified and competent – should know how to handle a particular equipment type, how to select and carry out the procedure.


The equipment are created according to the latest technology trends, every year on the market there are more and more units, even safer and more effective, so it is important to use equipment from a proven manufacturer (high quality, certified), because the modern world is not without flaws – the world of fakes develops with the same speed. The high efficiency and popularity of equipment procedures have become subjects not only of increased demand for them, but also of attention from unscrupulous manufacturers seeking to profit from people. Procedures on these “pseudo-devices” have dangerous consequences: they will not give the desired effect, but they can also cause irreparable harm to your body and health.


Thanks to high-quality technical equipment, as well as the work of the experienced aesthetic doctor, our patients always get predictable results and do not have to worry about the safety of procedures. Each aesthetic and age-related problem has its own best equipment procedures, and they are determined by the aesthetic doctor depending on the age, skin type, condition, and individual preferences of the patient.


Equipment procedures are complementary and a huge plus is that they are compatible, in fact, some equipment techniques are famous for their combined action. What does it mean? This means that the aesthetic doctor, having determined the needs of the client, proposes and carries out a series of consecutive procedures, and each previous procedure complements the next one. We are not talking about the so-called “selling” for financial gain, it is about how to get the maximum benefit – for the patient and the clinic in a single course of equipment procedures. The financial result is important, but a high result cannot be achieved through the “selling system”, a competent and harmonious approach to the patient and his needs is required – and this is the key to success. As long as the equipment procedures are performed by highly qualified aesthetic doctors, on original and trend-compliant equipment and in specialized high-level centers, they are really highly effective and safe.


Love yourself, take care of yourself and visit an aesthetic doctor  at the Medical Esthetic Clinic – be well-groomed and beautiful at any age!